There Was Another Page XX. That's Not This One.


Page XX Comic: An Introduction and Test

I don't when or if anyone might eventually care to read this, and so like many projects I'm setting out to do this for myself as much as anything else. Every day I will be attempting to either draw a complete "comic"* or one page of script for a comic** and I will post the results here.

The hope is that I will slowly improve my drawing/visual storytelling with the comics and keep in practice with the writing. Look for various changes to the page as I repurpose and further customize an unused blog that never met its full potential.

The first bit was the result of struggling to come up with an idea I could commit to paper on the spot and getting somewhat stuck; the result is a stick figure comic strip that would only really make sense to law students and might not be funny to anyone.***

Page XX - First

Look forward to many similar adventures in humor and poor art, although I obviously hope to improve in just about every way.


*- The scare quotes there just because I feel the efforts will often be worthy of self-deprecation.
**- Here meaning a comic book project I'm trying to get some momentum on.
***- In this case, Blackacre is pretty much the default "bit of land" stand-in in Property Law classes and "O the Owner" is the even more common name for the original owner of that property. Yes, I'm aware that explaining jokes ruins them.

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